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Thursday, August 20, 2009

hey everyone! :D
Firstly I want to thank all those sweet people who gave up thei time to celebrate with miie :D
Secondly, I want to thank those who gave miie presents!
And Finally! I want to thank those who wished miie HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! I'm so touched~. (:

This was wad happened today ^^
Went to school with Madeline then waited for Aaron at 261 bus stop. I hid in one corner since Aaron didn't want miie to be there in the first place. Then after he talked to Madeline, she came back and gave miie this HUGE present! OMG! SO BIG!! It was from Jing Ting, Madeline and Aaron. Then went to school carrying that big present in a mintoons plastic bag. ( I think I looked like santa claus o.o) LOL. Then once reached parade square received 3 more presents! O.O one from Xin En and Zhi Ling, another from Li Hui, and another from Min Jie :D THANK EUU GUYS SO MUCH!
Felt awkward in the parade square~ xD carrying such a big present and receiving so many at once :X

Then went back to class~ had MT then PE!
hahas Mr Loh didn't come :D had this STRANGE teacher to take over. then had a fire drill.. sat in the hot sun D: insects crawling everywhere in the field. took 30 minutes for the fire drill before returning to class.
then next english..Mrs Lee talked about results, saying MUST PASS CHINESE! LOL. then recess~
Cockroach(Yu Ting) treated me greentea [:
then after recess had chemistry~ cockroach go tell teacher today my birthday o.o then he ask the class to sing birthday song xD ended up the class sang too awful until teacher say STOP! xD then next period physics, Ms Ho absent! hahas! but still got work to do~ but did teacher's day stuff instead (: after school went to canteen~ waited for thati... she finally came with a blackforest cake! COOL~ then had ''imaginery lighted candles'' and I pretended to blow it xD
then cut a few slices of cut and... GOT SMASHED BY CAKE BY VEERA!! ARGH! whole face covered with cake o.o then the others took pictures -.-''' wth. then went to toilet to clean up. Then came out and ate half of my piece of cake then kana smacked in the face with cake,AGAIN! This time by Jing Ni. went to toilet to wash up AGAIN. then went to NEW YORK! hahas.. went with Eslyn, Lee Qing, Fi and Siti. was so fun (: then wilson joined in when everyone finished eating o.o LOL. Also gave miie a birthday present :D haha.then walked here and there then saw amirul and some other 3e4 people then went to sit down with them. Amirul stepped on my feet and kicked my legs 15 times -.- omg it still hurts xD LOL. then after that HOMED! :D Mummy bought a small hello kitty cake for miie! (:
damn cute~ xD LOL she went all the way to hub to buy for miie~ so touched~ xD then doing hw now but can't seem to concentrate D:
now only completed a-math graphs and 1st paragraph of history essay.. still need do POA WS and Physics text -.-''' think I'll do the rest 2moro xD rush!
oh well! GTG now D:
and once again, I thank everyone deeply from the bottom of my heart :D ( too mushy? xD )

& your one and only princess ;
10:11 PM

Saturday, August 8, 2009

hello! I'm back to blog :D
today seems to be a bad day for me..
Went to school in the morning for badminton; had no strength to hit at all D:
then was so tired all of a sudden halfway through training.. everybody taught I was angry or something.. the truth is I was just too tired to do anything -.-'' then teacher ask me to continue playing with the rest o.o

to those who worried for me; THANKS FOR YOUR CONCERN :D I really appreciate it :)

then went home at 12.30 cause needed to go to Pierce Secondary to ''visit'' a primary school friend. She invited me today since it was family day, so could meet up with some other primary school mates (:
met bernice at hub then went together to Pierce. reached at 2.15pm. Theresa waited at the bus stop; then suddenly hug me O.O Long time never see me la.. xD
then went inside the school.. It was like a carnival! So cool.. why can't our school have that kind of thing? -.-''
So many people there~ then theresa gave me a birthday present ? o.o
Lolx. Strange present though.. she bought it at the carnival ( a key chain) o.o
then homed at about 3.40?
couldn't go theresa's house since needed to do hw ;D
until now I haven't finish :X
hahas~ finished making Zhi Ling's present :D
hope she likes it :X

oh well.. now to go to facebook ;D

P.S. Don't worry ; I won't let you guys down ;D

& your one and only princess ;
8:28 PM

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

''The leader always sets the trail for others to follow.''


today i got back my POA test paper and I failed terribly D:
got 10/ 25 ):
going to have retest so it's not so bad (:
today's time passed fast o.o since all subjects today were double periods and 3 of the four subjects were maths O.O

after school the whole class had a A-math retest on chapter 2..
some of us couldn't take the test since got Leadership course thingy.

The leadership thing ended up to be VERY FUN :DDDDDDD

hahas.. the coach who ''taught'' us was called coach sean.
He provided fun games, cool videos and so damn interesting stories :))
Usually I'll be falling asleep in this kind of stuff but I was so attentive (surprisingly) !
He taught us how to become a better leader, played games that had forfeits o.o
LOL the forfeits were hell xD
we played 2 games:

1. pasting sticker on the head [ (had no idea wad the name was) about finding people who had the same stickers on the forehead and finding the leader who had a white sticker on the forehead ] I was sleepy at that time so I didn't realise that I had the white sticker which was BIGGER than then other smaller colour dots -.-'' so all I did was stand there and followed Eslyn :X

2. Caterpillar balloon :D ( form a straight line in a group and have a balloon between the person in front and behind euu. then walk around and pick up group member's names without anyone in the group dropping a balloon.)

then his stories were so interesting :D all his own ''true stories'' [some parts of the stories were totally not true]
then came the videos [: demonstrated leadership qualities in it.

now I'm having second thoughts about Badminton.. like maybe doing something to liven up the trainings or something inspirational to make everyone train harder.. nahx. xD for now I'll just promise that there WILL be a badminton outing at the end of the year. :D regardless of whether teacher chips in to help financially :D

& your one and only princess ;
10:18 PM

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


hey yo people!! my blog has been dead for a few months..I apologise ;D
School is currently BORING!
omg I've been falling asleep in class ever since the holidays O.O
I can't pay much attention either x.x
Anyway, :D the good news is that Ms Kwek will be teaching miie maths and a-maths on saturdays so I guess I can catch up on work :D

Today had chinese test.. don't wanna say much about it xD
yesterday had 4 tests.. 3 tests in a row! :O
I'm amazed my brain can switch subjects so fast :X
hahas, 2moro no training :D but got leadership workshop thingy D:
Thursday no gym :D Saturday got training D:
2moro's going to be maths day! gonna see numbers all the way o.o LOL.
Today was also the UNSW compeition -.-''' lots of people couuldn't do the last question.
oh well, hope I did okkay xD

I guess that's all for today folks :D


& your one and only princess ;
6:25 PM

Saturday, April 18, 2009

hey people! I'm back from camp! :D

This year's growth camp was the most fun one I've ever been to.


My group trainer was Bernice and the other group's trainer was Izmir.

I shall now start talking about the 2 1/2 days during growth camp.

1st day (16/4)

went to school early to eat breakfast in Mc. It was the last good food till we went for camp. Anyway, woke up late but still had enough time to eat. [: Finally reached school and headed to Dairy Farm. When we reached Dairy farm, the first thing I saw was that it was full of insects.There were ants everywhere.. then after the briefing, we went into our domitries. it was all wooden floors but at least there was fan (: then we had lunch. The food there was edible.. at least it was better than the school camp food. After lunch went for KAYAKING! It was somewhere outside...So fun..partnered with john -.-''' stupid.. then almost capsized..SCARY.but it's damn fun la. though we had to move the boats from one point to another o.o so heavy. Then went back to Dairy farm and had dinner. Then went for a night hike x.x WAS SOOO DARK. couldn't see a thing. everyone almost fell down cause there were rocks and logs lying all aroung the ground. In the end we MADE IT OUT ALIVE! woots! then had supper and then went to bathe. the shower head was small and the water coming out of it was like 10 drops coming out per second. SMALL. then went to sleep at 11.30pm . I had no idea it would be so cold at night :X was tossing and turning the whole night and didn't sleep properly ):

2nd day(17/4)

Woke up at 6.20am. went to eat breakfast then did area cleaning. Activities started with rock climbing (: It was very slippery and there wasn't much grip. hands were too short to reach some rocks -.-''' then went to do the '' jump and catch the bar '' thingy. almost succeeded but once again my arms were too short ): LOLx. then went to do the hih elements. did the shaky log thing. scary.. but I completed it [: and finally I did the FLYING FOX. It was so scary and yet fun (: SCREAM! xD then had lunch and started on the Bukit Timah hike.Dangerous path! was so tired after we finally completed it. We went the wrong direction once and was the last team to arrive ): after that had dinner and then CAMPFIRE!!! woots! BIG FIRE [: haha. Groups took turns to present their 'cheer' to the rest of us. Trainers took turns to start new drum rolls..the last drum roll was : " (hothothothothothothothot) then we say 'I'm hot,I'm hot, I'm hot I'm hot I'm hot spsss..' . LOLx! and that was Bernice's idea [: then had alot of fun. was VERY HIGH. xD slept at 12midnight and wok up at 6.45am the next day.

3rd day (today)

Had breakfast then went to do area cleaning. LOLx we wash toilet :X quite fun. [: then went for a final briefing and went back to school. then went Mc to eat but since there were no places to sit we went to CBM to eat. We take away Mc food and went there to eat. haiish. what a tiring 2 1/2 days. But it was fun..
I wish the camp would be longer. 1st day of camp is always not fun but on the 2nd day onwards it's very fun. saddened that we had to leave the camp and trainers so early ): oh well, all good things have to come to an end one day . ]:
gtg now.. 2moro have BBQ and am very tired right now.


& your one and only princess ;
3:30 PM

Saturday, April 4, 2009

So sorry for not posting for sooo long :X
I know that my blog has been dead for like 1 month?
oh well, now I shall continue to blog.
Anyway...Today is KELSEY'S BIRTHDAY!
and Lolx YiPei's Birthday was yesterday x.x
Recently, I have not passed a single A-MATH test. VERY SADDENED.
And it's all due to careless mistakes.
I have no confidence in passing my A-Math MYE exam at all.
I'll just have to try my best then.
Other tests are still okkay, am able to pass them.
Since Thursday,2nd April, until today, Saturday 4th April..
there has been non-stop physical execises one after each day. Thursday was gym, friday was PE [2.4km] and today there was badminton training. Omg I am so tired..
Trying to finish English AA right now.. needs to be handed up on monday.
I think I might do it 2moro :X
2moro morning I should not be able to get out of bed cause my whole body is aching xD
That should be all for today. Hoping to post soon [:

& your one and only princess ;
6:49 PM

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

i hate maths!!!
sucks like hell la..
so damn bloody confusing -.-'''
i can't even understand what the teaher is saying la...
and wth everything i do also wrong.
this year is SERIOUSLY UNLUCKY for miie.
dun feel like blogging anymore.
so much time being taken up by school and homework which i struggle to complete just a single question; taking 1/2 an hour to do.
And i'm accident prone this month; having to get injured within 2 days apart.


& your one and only princess ;
10:08 PM